Shell Information


Wood Selection

The standard wood selection in stock is African Bubinga, American Maple, American Birch, American Walnut, ASH, Basswood and Mesawa Hardwood.

American Birch

American Birch wood

American Maple

American Maple wood

African Bubinga

African Bubinga wood



American Walnut

American Walnut wood


ASH Wood

Shell Construction

The standard shell configuration in house is 7ply, 5.4mm for African Bubinga, American Walnut, American Maple and American Birch; 6ply, 6.9mm for Basswood and Mesawa Hardwood. Reinforcement ring can be added to the shells. Our standard reinforcement ring is 4ply, 3.2mm Maple ring. On all wood drums we use precise machine sanding in order to obtain a consistent and smooth texture of the shells.


Bearing Edge

Each bearing edge is cut by our precise mold cutter to ensure
accuracy. We then finish the edges with fine sanding to ensure consistency and proper head seating.
Our standard bearing edge is a 45 degree edge for 4:6 or 5:5.
Custom bearing edges cut to customer specifications are also
available upon request (may require the customer to pay a tooling fee if not standard.)


Spec. Availability

The standard diameter available is 8”, 10”, 12’, 13”,14”, 16”, 18”, 20”, 22”, 24”, 26”, 28”.


Shell Type

The standard shell types we carry in house are as follows:
Plywood Shell
Staved Shell
Acrylic Shell
Metal snare shell
